My adventures with 2 boys, a husband, & a dog.

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Family Photos are IN!!!

Got our family pictures late last night...front door delivery (now that is service!) Needless to say, I absolutely love them. And we all had such a great time. Thank you Roon for awesome pictures and a great experience.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Creative Projects Unveiled!

Tah-dah! As promised, here is one of the botanical presses that resulted from my "disaster walk" with Marty and the boys earlier this week. I used watercolor paper for the backdrop and an old frame that we had in the garage. This was just a dry-run. Next time, I will probably use a larger frame and in script right the name of the plant at the bottom (Nasturtium).

And this is a canvas that I did for a friend of ours who just had a little boy (bet you can't guess the name...ha). The nursery has a beach theme so I thought this would be cute. I got the idea from a company called Fontaine Murray ( They have the cutest things. I just bought a monogrammed serving tray from them for my newly-married cousin but they have SO much more. Check it out!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

So the rest of the week was pretty eventful:
Jack had his first swim lesson...and he was of course, a rockstar.

We (I) made the mistake of bringing Will to this special event because I wanted pictures and he threw a fit (because he wanted to swim). I had to leave after five minutes to take him to a playground (see picture below). Jay and I felt so sorry for him (at the time) but now that I look at the photo, he doesn't really seem too traumatized. Jay and I felt so bad that we bought him lessons on the spot and starting next week, Jack and Will will be taking the class together....that should be interesting.

In other fun news: Jack had a giant booger bubble for about 5 minutes that FINALLY Will popped (that's what brothers are for...). Luckily we caught it on film before that happened :-).

And today dad took the boys on an adventure to KID VENTURES this morning while mom went to a baby shower. They had a blast....

That's about it for this update but I just finished a really cute painting for a friend of ours that recently had a little boy. The nursery is a "beach theme". As soon as I get a chance, I'll take a picture and post it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rice Krispy Treats and a new project for mom....

We are on day 3 of being holed-up in the house with colds. Jay and I haven't been affected (yet) but the boys are both sick so I've been trying to keep them quarantined for a while....and it's driving me CRAZY!!!

So today I had a babysitter and ran a few errands, went to the gym, etc...
On the stair climber I usually get all kinds of ideas---things I want to do but don't have the time or money. I recently saw an spread in a Southern Accents not too long ago that had this impressive wall of framed dried botanicals (mostly wild flowers) on a linen background. I am not one for dried flowers---I think "old lady". But these were so fresh and elegant (check out I wanted them! So today (on the stair climber) I decided that I was going to take my two boys and a dog on a walk, pick some flowers and try to make some dried botanical art of my own.

The idea was better in my head than in real life...the walk was anything but relaxing. Marty was a nut and Jack cried the whole time. Will was content with a popsicle for about 10 minutes but then just kept saying, "Up! Walk! Walk! Walk!". I basically walked half a block to the end of our street and then gave up. However, I somehow managed to get some flowers and they are pressing in the garage as I write this. I don't really know what I'm doing or how long to leave them there so I'm just going to play it by ear. Hopefully they turn-out but either way I'll post the results.

After the walk, Jack went down for a nap and Will and I made and ate Rice Krispy treats...always a fun and easy project. And he's been really into "helping" me cook lately so I thought he'd like this....I mean, what kid doesn't like Rice Krispy Treats?

The Family---

Myself, Jay, Will (20 mo.), and Jack (3 mo.). This is our FIRST family photo taken by a very talented local photographer, Roon Brown ( I love her work and we recently got some more family pics taken by her so stay tuned for updates :-).

And we can't forget Marty! She will be 10 this year and is a Border Collie mix---truely the best dog EVER. I adopted her from a rescue society in South Carolina when I was still in school. Of course I love all animals but I LOVE dogs and mutts and pound puppies make the most amazing pets. She's been through a lot of change these past few years from moving, to moving AGAIN and now she has two little boys to contend with but she has taken it all in stride. She is a loving and devoted member of our family....